CB Protection: Trusted Directories, Connectors, and File Uploads Not Syncing After Upgrade to 8.x
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CB Protection: Trusted Directories, Connectors, and File Uploads Not Syncing After Upgrade to 8.x


Article ID: 288394


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Trusted Directories no longer approving files
  • File Uploads no longer sending to CB Protection console
  • Connectors no longer syncing
  • Trace.bt9 log (created during high debug) shows errors similar to "SSLError[20]"


  • CB Protection: 8.x and Higher
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


In 8.x, the agent began validating SSL certificates when performing file uploads.


  1. Upgrade to 8.0 P4 or Higher.
  2. If symptoms still occur:
    1. Turn on high debugging:
      • https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Cb-Protection-How-to-Collect-Agent-Logs-Locally-Windows/ta-p/62597
    2. Check Trace.bt9 file for ssl errors
    3. Navigate to: https://<CbServerName>/agent_config.php
    4. Click "Add Agent Config"
    5. Create configuration with properties:
      • Property Name: Name: EP-1458 (Or any name of choice)
      • Host ID: 0
      • Value: upload_ssl_errors_to_ignore=20 (Or any SSL error(s) found)
      • Status: Enabled

Additional Information

  • In 8.0 Patch 4, when in basic SSL mode the certificate restrictions have been relaxed slightly to prevent this problem in most scenarios. Patch 4 also added the ability to use the new "upload_ssl_errors_to_ignore" agent configuration property.
  • If multiple SSL errors are present in trace.bt9 file, the agent configuration property accepts a comma separated list of errors.