Retrieve Local CLI Password from the DAS Database
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Retrieve Local CLI Password from the DAS Database


Article ID: 288368


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Retrieve the Local (or per-Agent) CLI password for an Agent using a SQL query.


  • App Control Server: All Versions
  • App Control Agent: All Versions
  • Per-Agent CLI Passwords were already manually enabled.


If Agent Management has not been setup, individual CLI passwords are required for authenticated "dascli" commands to be executed.


Important Notes:
  • This feature was disabled by default as of Server & Agent version 8.1.4.
  • This feature must be enabled before the Agent is installed or before the Agent becomes Disconnected.
  • There exists no way to enable this feature on a Disconnected Agent.
  • Carbon Black now recommends the options in Agent Management instead of per-Agent CLI.
  1. Run SQL Server Management Studio as the Carbon Black Service Account.
  2. Execute the following query:
    USE das; 
    SELECT C.Computer_Id AS "ID", C.Computer AS "Hostname", H.cli_code AS "CLI Code" 
    FROM bit9_public.ExComputers C 
    JOIN dbo.hostmain H with (NOLOCK) ON H.host_id = C.Computer_Id 
    ORDER BY C.Computer ASC;

Additional Information

Add the below addition (before ORDER BY) to only show deleted computers cli passwords
WHERE C.Computer_Deleted = 'Yes'