App Control: Multiple Event Rules With "Move Computer" Action Causing Conflict
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App Control: Multiple Event Rules With "Move Computer" Action Causing Conflict


Article ID: 288342


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Multiple event rules with the "Move computer" action specified
  • Both event rules "Match" the event criteria correctly
  • Device tries moving to both policies instead of the policy specificed in highest ranking event rule


  • App Control: All Versions


This is currently expected behavior


Ranking only determines the order that the event rules are processed. If multiple event rules "match" at the time they are processed- then they'll both attempt to move the device. Since event rules generally process in very quick succession to each other, this could mean that if the device hasn't completed/reported it's first move by the time the second rule processes- it'll fire and try to act on both rules.

Additional Information

Please file a feature request if you would like to see this behavior modified.