Cb Protection: Converting License from Eval to Production
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Cb Protection: Converting License from Eval to Production


Article ID: 288319


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


To convert from an Eval installation to a Production installation


  • Cb Protection Server: 7.x - 8.x
  • Eval License


  1. Obtain the new non-eval license from Carbon Black support.
  2. Reset the Server SID:
    • https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Cb-Protection-How-To-Reset-Server-SID/ta-p/61988
  3. Apply new license:
    • https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Cb-Protection-How-to-Import-a-License-lic-File-Into-the-Cb/ta-p/48406
  4. Enter CDC Key:
    1. Navigate to administration (Gear icon in 8.x) > System Configuration > Licensing tab
    2. Enter license under "Cb Collective Defense Cloud Activation" ("Bit9 Software Reputation Service Activation" in 7.x)
    3. Click Activate > Accept Terms and Activate > New tab will open to accept terms and conditions
    4. Click "Verify" back at the licensing tab