How To Find The Number of Global Approvals in an Environment
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How To Find The Number of Global Approvals in an Environment


Article ID: 288300


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Find all Global Approvals for an App Control Server


  • App Control: All Supported Versions


From the Console:
  1. Log in to the Console and navigate to Rules > Software Rules > Files
  2. Add a filter of "Type = Approval" 
  3. Group by: Type
  4. If any groups are expanded - click the "-" to shrink
  5. Item count is listed for group type "Approval"

From SQL Server Management Studio:
  1. Log in to the application server as the Carbon Black Service Account.
  2. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database.
  3. Execute the following query:
    USE das;
    SELECT First_Created, Last_Updated, First_Seen_Name, First_Seen_Path, Publisher_or_Company, Global_State, State_Source, Hash, description from dbo.AntibodiesGUI (nolock) WHERE Global_State='Approved';