App Control: How to Export Parity Web Console IIS Certificate
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App Control: How to Export Parity Web Console IIS Certificate


Article ID: 288299


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


To export the certificate that's used for the Parity Web Console in IIS.


  • App Control Server: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows Server: All Supported Versions


  1. Login to the App Control Server
  2. Open IIS (Internet Information Services)
  3. Find the certificate that's bound to 443:
    1. In the left hand pane, navigate to ServerName > Sites
    2. Right click "Parity Web Console
    3. Select "Edit Bindings"
    4. Select port 443
    5. Click "Edit"
    6. Click "View"
    7. Certificate properties will open
    8. Navigate to the "details" tab
    9. Note the "Subject", "Valid From", and "Valid to" values
  4. Export the certificate:
    1. In IIS, in the left hand pane, select server name
    2. IIS "Home" page will open
    3. Under "IIS" section, double click "Server Certificates
    4. Server Certificates screen page will open
    5. Right click certificate that was found in step 1-9
    6. Select Export
    7. Enter name and password