Carbon Black Cloud: Alerts page searching on device_name field containing hyphens-dashes returns additional alerts for other device names containing hyphens-dashes.
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Carbon Black Cloud: Alerts page searching on device_name field containing hyphens-dashes returns additional alerts for other device names containing hyphens-dashes.


Article ID: 288260


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Searching the Alerts page for device_name: AAA-XYZ returns alerts for any device_name ending in "-XYY" (i.e. BBB-XYZ, CCC-XYZ, etc)


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensors: All versions


This is functioning as designed. The alerts page uses Elasticsearch as underlying search engine. This engine requires special characters be escaped, including device_name field


  1. To achieve the desired result, place the name of the device in double-quotes as so:
alerts query ->  device_name:"AAA-XYZ"

will only return alerts for AAA-XYZ


Additional Information

The Investigate page's device_name does NOT need escaping, so it is different behavior (due to a different search engine) than the Alerts page.