Enterprise EDR / CB-API: The number of child processes returned by CBAPI is less than that returned by Enterprise EDR
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Enterprise EDR / CB-API: The number of child processes returned by CBAPI is less than that returned by Enterprise EDR


Article ID: 288253


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  • A CB-API script is only returning a subset of child processes seen in the Enterprise EDR UI.
  • The same CP-API script will return different numbers of child processes when rerun repeatedly and quickly.


  • Carbon Black Cloud: All supported versions
  • Enterprise EDR: All supported versions
  • Endpoint Enterprise: All supported versions:
  • CB-API: All supported versions


The script call cb.select(Event) is querying multiple segments, and reporting back the # children before all segments have reported back.


  1. Because this is a timing issue, a workaround is to build in a delay when performing this call like so:
// Waits for event segments to be fetched
events_query = proc.events(event_type="filemod")
while events_query._total_segments != events_query._processed_segments:


Additional Information

  • This discrepancy will be fixed in upcoming process search v2 architecture.
  • This script will reproduce the original problem:
from cbapi.psc.threathunter import CbThreatHunterAPI, Process

cb = CbThreatHunterAPI()

#grab a process for the guid we're interested in
query = cb.select(Process).where("process_guid:76DFDR97-011727a1-00004ff0-00000000-1d62913656d920a")

for proc in query:
    print("Filemods: {}".format(proc.filemod_count))
    print("Regmods: {}".format(proc.regmod_count))
    print("Modloads: {}".format(proc.modload_count))
    print("Crossprocs: {}".format(proc.crossproc_count))
    print("Childprocs: {}".format(proc.childproc_count))
    for e in proc.events(event_type="filemod"):
        if "mp4" in e.filemod_name: