App Control: What Syntax to Use to Specify Approving Files With OnlyIF Macro and COMPANY Attribute.
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App Control: What Syntax to Use to Specify Approving Files With OnlyIF Macro and COMPANY Attribute.


Article ID: 288237


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • This article contains the syntax for specifying the OnlyIF macro for COMPANY in a custom rule


  • App Control Server: 8.0.x and Higher
  • App Control Agent: 8.0.x and Higher


  • The three first fields need to be separated with colons
  • The section in the first <> is the OnlyIf which doesn't support wildcards in the file path
  • If the OnlyIf matches on the file then the PATHTO will be evaluated and this field does support wildcards
  • <OnlyIf:Company:*Carbon Black*:<ProgramFilesx86>\bit9\parity agent\parity.exe>PATHTO\*.EXE