Using CA-CSM to install a product that uses a UNIX directory fails with this message: MME0270S - Action completed with an error. Action: setuid Error code: 164 EDC5164I SAF/RACF error. Reason code: 0xB881C00 Info: setuid(0).
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Using CA-CSM to install a product that uses a UNIX directory fails with this message: MME0270S - Action completed with an error. Action: setuid Error code: 164 EDC5164I SAF/RACF error. Reason code: 0xB881C00 Info: setuid(0).


Article ID: 28823


Updated On:


Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


Verify that the default superuserid ( usually called BPXROOT ) defined in BPXPRMxx is defined
in SAF/RACF as a valid loginid.

/*  Block 6 - Defining BPXROOT user                                                */
/*                                                                                                 */
/*  In order for daemon processes to be able to invoke setuid() for       */
/*  superusers, define a superuser with a user ID of BPXROOT on all    */
/*  systems.                                                                                   */
/*                                                                                                  */
/*  On the SUPERUSER statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member   */
/*  specify the user ID that the kernel will use when you need a           */
/*  user ID for UID(0).                                                                     */
/*                                                                                                  */


Release: MSMNGR00200-5.1-Chorus Software Manager