CB Response: Server / Cluster will not restart showing error: "Unlinking stale socket /var/run/cb/cb-supervisor.sock"
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CB Response: Server / Cluster will not restart showing error: "Unlinking stale socket /var/run/cb/cb-supervisor.sock"


Article ID: 288216


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Standard out of the startup dialog looks something like this:
Unable to restart cluster services
Node[0 ] Starting cb-supervisord: [ OK ]
Node[3] Starting cb-supervisord:
Node[3] Unlinking stale socket /var/run/cb/cb-supervisor.sock
  • Running "/usr/share/cb/cbdiag" on the bad node hangs, resulting in a ps -ef command showing one more of this unexpected process:
rpm -q --queryformat=%{VERSION} cb-enterprise



  • CB Response Server: All versions
  • CB Response Sensor: All versions
  • Linux OS: All Supported Vversions


The Linux rpm database is corrupt.


1. Delete the rpm_db files:
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
2. Recreate the rpm _db files:
rpm --rebuilddb


Additional Information

There are a number of factors that can lead to the RPM database corruption, such as incomplete previous transactions, installation of certain third-party software, removing specific packages, and many others.