Carbon Black Cloud: How to Live Query sensors for the vendor and product ID of a USB device.
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to Live Query sensors for the vendor and product ID of a USB device.


Article ID: 288215


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


How to Live Query sensors for the vendor and product ID of a USB device?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: v 0.75.0 +
  • Carbon Black Cloud Windows Sensor:  3.8.x +
  • Microsoft Windows: All versions


Create a Live Query:
select * from cb_sensor_devices;

will return (among others)
device_id	device_name	    response	sensor_msg	device_type	drive_letter	friendly_name	                    interface_type	manufacturer	model_name	    product_id	    serial_number	vendor_id	    volume_guid
77854781	MyLaptop11	    matched		            DISK	    E:\	            Apricorn Secure Key 3.0 USB Device	USB	            Apricorn	    Secure Key 3.0	0x1407 (0n5127)	000AA0000502	0x0984 (0n2436)	Volume{20848e18-18c1-4d34-8523-39b49c0f0745}


Additional Information

The 'cb_sensor_devices' table is only supported on CBC Windows sensors 3.8.x and above.