What is Nolio Update Service? What is it for?
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What is Nolio Update Service? What is it for?


Article ID: 28821


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio) CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio)


With improvement and addition of new features in successive releases, sometime finding new services running under the hood surprises a lot.

With CA Release Automation version 5.0 onwards you would find one additional service which is installed and running beside “Nolio Release Automation Server” i.e. “Nolio Update Service”. So now don’t be surprised seeing it at first.

We will describe what is it used for, which functionality it supports and how to manage this service below.


Component: RACORE


What “Nolio Update Service” is used for?

The ROC UI of Release Automation provides a new feature i.e. Action Management by which end user can determine how many action packs are installed and available for them to install. It is a separate service or daemon that must be running. 

 Think of it just like an app-store where end user can browse all available apps. Likewise app-store Action Management will also notify if you have an updated version of action-pack available for the one you have installed in your environment.

Refer to the screenshot below to understand what feature updates service supports. The * below means that for these action packs an updated version is available to install or upgrade.  The upgrade can be initiated directly from the Action Management Page.

What will happen if I stop “Nolio Update service”?

If for some reason you stop “Nolio Update service” then it will not affect the product, but it will stop functionality of “Action Management” in ROC.

Refer to the screen shot below to ascertain ROC – Action Management behaviour.

What are various administrative/installation requirement for “Nolio Update service”?

Nolio Update service requires below configuration to be properly set to support its installation and proper functioning. Please refer to the below snippet taken from RA installation guide. Please refer to installation guide for more details.

Configuration related to “Nolio Update Service”

Action pack content comes from Update Service.  There is URL.ini in UpdateService directory that looks like below.  CA_PACK_URL is the URL where it gets actions packs from.

#Wed Jan 29 15:38:12 EST 2014






What are most common administrative tasks related to “Nolio Update service”?

How can I stop/start “Nolio Update service”?

“Nolio Update service” can be stopped/started by below procedure   

Windows Server

Linux Servers

  1.         On start  menu type Run->services.msc

  2.         In Services window locate “Nolio Update service” right click and click on start/stop/restart

  1.           <RA Install base directory>/ReleaseAutomationServer/UpdateService

  2.         Invoke command sh nolio_update_service start/stop


How can I disable “Nolio Update service”?

To disable “Nolio Update service“, please find below instruction


Windows Server

Linux Servers

  1.        On start  menu type Run->services.msc

  2.          In Services window locate “Nolio Update service” right click and click on Properties

  3.         In Properties window select startup type and select disabled

  1.         <RA Install base directory>/ReleaseAutomationServer/UpdateService

  2.         Invoke command as described below

# remove_service_from_runlevels.sh <sourceFilePath> <sourceFileName>


# remove_service_from_runlevels.sh . nolio_update_service


Note: If you get error no service found possiblity is that may be service not running at run level. You can verify the same by giving below command and checking if it retrun service details.

Command: Unix% chkconfig --list nolio_update_service

Result: nolio_update_service    0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off



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