Carbon Black Cloud API RBAC: Is there an exact correlation of RBAC access level permissions that mimic the legacy API and SIEM key permissions?
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Carbon Black Cloud API RBAC: Is there an exact correlation of RBAC access level permissions that mimic the legacy API and SIEM key permissions?


Article ID: 288179


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


Carbon Black Cloud API RBAC: Is there an exact correlation of RBAC access level permissions that mimic the legacy API and SIEM key permissions?


  • Carbon Black Cloud RBAC: All server versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud SIEM and API Keys: All versions


No. It is not possible to create an RBAC access list permissions configuration to mimic the allowed functionality of the legacy API and SIEM keys