Enterprise EDR: Process Analysis page's list of events is empty. One needs to re-click on the process in the process tree to populate the event list.
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Enterprise EDR: Process Analysis page's list of events is empty. One needs to re-click on the process in the process tree to populate the event list.


Article ID: 288174


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


  1. In the Investigate page; process tab, when selecting a process tree icon, the process analysis page renders the process tree properly, but the event list at the bottom is empty.
  2. If you click on the process node a second time, the events then get correctly populated.


  • CBC Console: 1.8 (as of late November to December 20th, 2022)
  • CBC Sensors: All versions
  • OS: All platforms


Currently under investigation (as of December 20, 2022).


This is issue "CBCUI-2548" fixed in the Console as of December 21, 2022.