- The Linux sensor successfully checks into the Carbon Black Cloud backend but does not send telemetry data.
- Sensor appears online and not inside bypass.
- No events or other telemetry is received by the backend
- The /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/log/blades/<BUILD>/threat_hunter_log.txt shows errors similar to:
[W] PolicyHandler : EnableBladesAsConfigured : Blade[E51C4A7E-2D41-4F57-99BC-6AA907CA3B40] is not registered, ignoring request to Enable it
[I] PolicyHandler : NotifyBladesNewPolicyIsAvailable : Successfully enabled blades based on policy data.
- The /var/opt/carbonblack/psc/log/log.txt file may show:
[E] Error in Updating Quarantine state.
[I] BladePlugin : FindBladeSlot : No registered blade found with id[40E797FD-4322-4D33-8E8C-EF697F4C2323]
[W] BladePlugin : AnyBladeErrors : Blade directory (/opt/carbonblack/psc/blades/40E797FD-4322-4D33-8E8C-EF697F4C2323) does not exist
[W] PolicyHandler : EnableBladesAsConfigured : Blade[40E797FD-4322-4D33-8E8C-EF697F4C2323] is not registered, ignoring request to Enable it