Collecting Diagnostic Logs for Performance Related Issues (Linux)
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Collecting Diagnostic Logs for Performance Related Issues (Linux)


Article ID: 288122


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response) Carbon Black Hosted EDR (formerly Cb Response Cloud)


To collect relevant logs on a Linux endpoint in order to troubleshoot most performance-related issues. Typical issues may include:
  • General system performance issues
  • High CPU/Memory of EDR sensor process
  • High CPU/Memory of third-party applications


  • EDR Sensor: 6.x and Higher
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


  1. Log onto the Linux endpoint exhibiting performance issues.
  2. Gather an strace output for the cbdaemon process.
  3. Generate a Linux endpoint diag report
  4. Update your Technical Support case with further relevant information:
- Is this Linux endpoint also serving as an EDR console server (primary or secondary node?)

- Is the performance issue a reproducible scenario and if so, what steps, if any, are taken to reproduce it? 
(For example, were any backups, updates, or large file transfers being performed?)

- How many endpoints are affected? What are their general system profiles and function? 

- What other security applications/real-time scanners are installed? Have these exclusions been applied?

- How long do the performance issues last? 

- What actions, if any, return the system performance to normal?

- Is the endpoint connected to any network shares? 

- Does this endpoint generate a large number of logs, binaries, or PDF reports?


Additional Information

EDR Sensor version 7.2.0 contains improvements to memory and CPU performance, reference 'Resolved Issues' section in the release notes.