caching server is a Linux server that connects to the Internet to collect the rpm packages necessary to perform an EDR install. It does not need to meet the Operating Environment Requirements (OER).
air-gapped server is the production Linux server that does not connect to the Internet. It must meet OER sizing guides.
Note: The caching server needs to matches the OS and kernel version of the air-gapped server.
Note: These steps are for a new installation only. Using these instructions for updating EDR can result in loss of all data, configurations and certificates.
Configure the Caching Server:
- Install the appropriate OS on the caching server.
- Install the Carbon Black EDR License RPM.
Example file name: carbon-black-release-1.0.2-1-My_Company.x86_64.rpm
- Install that file onto the caching server:
# rpm -ivh <carbon-black-release-file>
- Edit /etc/yum.conf, and set:
- Run:
# yum install cb-enterprise
- Tar up the Yum cache directory: (the files are saved in a directory specified in /etc/yum.conf cachedir key value)
# tar --selinux -cvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/ .
- Take the resulting file (yumcache.tar.gz) and move it to the desired offline server.
- Log into the offline EDR server CLI
- If necessary, create the following folder hierarchy:
# mkdir /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/
- Untar the file to the local offline server:
# tar -xvzf yumcache.tar.gz -C /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/
- Install EDR as normal, but flag it (with -C) to only use the local cache, which will pull the RPM files from the local yum cache directory that was just created.
# yum install -C cb-enterprise
- Complete the installation by running the following.
# sudo /usr/share/cb/cbinit