Cb Response: Linux sensor installer script fails when called from remote directory
Article ID: 288088
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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)
When manually installing the Cb Response Linux Sensor from a remote directory, the install script fails. Error:
## Installing cbsensor from /root/downloads/sensor_builds/6.1.8_Linux_sensor/__Download
## Error: Installation Package is not present
Cb Response Linux Sensor: 6.1.7 - 6.1.8
Linux: All Supported Versions
The installer script is not looking for the RPM files in the proper location. This is a known issue under investigation.
From the CLI, change to the same directory as the installer script.
Launch the upgrade script from within the current directory:
# ./cb-installer-script.sh
Additional Information
This issue is resolved in Cb Response Linux Sensor 6.1.9 and later.
An alternative workaround is to not upgrade the Linux endpoint manually but to use the Cb Response web interface to automatically upgrade it.
This may occur as an interop issue with IBM BigFix integrations.