Cb Response: Linux sensor installer script fails when called from remote directory
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Cb Response: Linux sensor installer script fails when called from remote directory


Article ID: 288088


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


When manually installing the Cb Response Linux Sensor from a remote directory, the install script fails.
## Installing cbsensor from /root/downloads/sensor_builds/6.1.8_Linux_sensor/__Download
## Error: Installation Package is not present



  • Cb Response Linux Sensor: 6.1.7 - 6.1.8
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


The installer script is not looking for the RPM files in the proper location. This is a known issue under investigation. 


  1. From the CLI, change to the same directory as the installer script.
  2. Launch the upgrade script from within the current directory:
# ./cb-installer-script.sh

Additional Information

  • This issue is resolved in Cb Response Linux Sensor 6.1.9 and later.
  • An alternative workaround is to not upgrade the Linux endpoint manually but to use the Cb Response web interface to automatically upgrade it.
  • This may occur as an interop issue with IBM BigFix integrations.