EDR: How is the Sensor License Count Determined?
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EDR: How is the Sensor License Count Determined?


Article ID: 288058


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How is the sensor license count determined?


  • EDR: 6.x and Higher (Formerly CB Response)


The "Current Sensor Count" refers to the total number of sensors that have reported in the last 24 hours. To see this value:
  1. Log into the EDR web interface as an admin user
  2. Click Server Dashboard.
  3. Review the "License Information" panel.


Additional Information

  • The "Online Sensor Count" is the total number of sensors reported in the last 5 minutes.
  • The "Total Sensor Count" is the sum count of all sensors ever installed - every time a new sensor registers with the cluster, EDR increments this number. If a sensor is uninstalled and later reinstalled, then it counts as 2 for this value. This value has no licensing effect.
  • If the same license is used on multiple EDR servers, the combined license count won't display on the server console, only the individual license count being used per server.