Carbon Black Cloud: How to utilize the "Any" dropdown when creating Sensor Groups
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to utilize the "Any" dropdown when creating Sensor Groups


Article ID: 288057


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


To create a Sensor Group that will find endpoints with at least one piece of listed criteria. 


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: January 2022 and Higher


  1. Log into the Carbon Black Cloud web UI
  2. Navigate to Inventory > Sensor Groups
  3. Add a new Sensor Group
  4. Add multiple pieces of criteria for an endpoint to be included
  5. Select the "Any" value from the dropdown.

Additional Information

Selecting 'Any' is the same as using an 'OR' function. By selecting 'Any' from the dropdown, it means that the sensor group will include an endpoint if at least one of the criteria is true.