How can I tell what execution mode is set for my site?
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How can I tell what execution mode is set for my site?


Article ID: 28801


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PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator PAN/SQL


The NEWFUNC option specifies whether to use the current version of Compiler or the release 6.4 (Compatibility Mode) Compiler to compile your CA Easytrieve Report Generator programs. This option does not have any impact on link-edited CA Easytrieve Report Generator application programs.

Setting NEWFUNC to Y compiles and runs your CA Easytrieve Report Generator programs using the latest product release thereby providing all new functionality therein. Y is the default. There is no PARM statement override. 

Setting NEWFUNC to N compiles and runs your CA Easytrieve Report Generator programs using the compatibility mode of CA Easytrieve Plus (release 6.4). This feature provides you with more control over the process of moving your applications to CA Easytrieve Report Generator r11.0 and above.

Running programs in new function mode ensures adherence to the documented rules of the CA Easytrieve Report Generator language and lets you take advantage of the new product features. For example, boundary checking of indexes and subscripts helps ensure data integrity and output validity.

View running programs in compatibility mode as a temporary workaround for specific problems. 

You can easily tell the mode actually in use at runtime by looking at the first line of each page in SYSPRINT:  
COMPATIBILITY MODE looks like this:        EASYTRIEVE PLUS 11.6-C  SP0
NEW FUNCTION MODE  looks like this:          CA Easytrieve 11.6    SP0       

Note the product names are a little different, but especially that Compatibility mode has "-C" after the release. 

To see a listing of the 11.x option settings, run ETOPLOAD:
//STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,your.easytrieve11x.CBAALOAD

In the list of parameters you should see

Note that if ETOPLOAD is run against an EZOPTBL file that was created prior to when NEWFUNC was implemented
in 11.0 SP2, then the NEWFUNC parammter is not listed.


Release: EDBMSU00200-11.5-Easytrieve-Report Generator-Option for DB2-MSU