CB Response: Sensor Version is Missing from the Filter Options
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CB Response: Sensor Version is Missing from the Filter Options


Article ID: 287972


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Sensor version is missing from the filter options on the sensor page


  • CB Response Console: All Versions


Sensor RPM is no longer installed


  1. Log into the server via SSH/Terminal
  2. Run this command to confirm the sensor version is still installed
  3. If the version is installed, continue to step 10
  4. If the version is not installed, it will need to be re-installed to the server. 
  5. Open /etc/yum.repos.d/CarbonBlack.repo
  6. Change the baseurl to the direct url found in the release notes for the version missing
  7. Clean the yum cache
    yum clean all
  8. Download the RPM. Directory can be changed. A wildcard can be used or the package name found in the release notes
    yum install --download-only --downloaddir=/tmp/ <sensor-package-name>*
  9. Install the RPM
    rpm -i --force <sensor-package-name>.noarch.rpm
  10. Update the sensor builds
    /usr/share/cb/cbcheck sensor-builds
  11. Confirm the sensor version is now available in the filters

Additional Information

In some cases the "/usr/share/cb/cbcheck sensor-builds" does not update the console. Restarting the services will force the package to be ingested.