EDR: How to Setup the an Event-Forwarder on a Separate Server to Receive Audit Logs
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EDR: How to Setup the an Event-Forwarder on a Separate Server to Receive Audit Logs


Article ID: 287925


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


How to setup an event forwarder on a separate box to receive audit logs over rsyslog to be picked up by the event forwarder


  • EDR: All Versions
  • CB-Event-Forwarder: All Versions


Event-Forwarder Server
  1. Open /etc/rsyslog.conf
  2. Look for these two sections. Both are disabled by default, depending on if you plan to be listening on TCP or UDP or both, uncomment the lines. The example has UDP options uncommented. Note: adjust the port if you are not going to use 514.
    • Note: Rsyslog receivers do not handle TCP well in that it will send multiple lines at once and the receiver will bundle them into a single line. UDP will send a single message at a time allowing the receiver to write to the file correctly. UDP is recommended here due to this, but the admin should make sure connections are always up to avoid the data being dropped.  
    • Note: adjust the port if you are not going to use 514.
      Provides UDP syslog reception
      $ModLoad imudp
      $UDPServerRun 514
      # Provides TCP syslog reception
      #$ModLoad imtcp
      #$InputTCPServerRun 514
  3. Under those two lines, add the following lines. Contains searches require single quote surrounding, note the space as well in the search term. Directories and file will be created up on the first event received. 
    if $msg contains '/api/' then /var/log/cb/audit/useractivity.log
    if $msg contains ' ban' then /var/log/cb/audit/banning.log
    if $msg contains ' command' then /var/log/cb/audit/live-response.log
    & ~
    if $msg contains ' isolation' then /var/log/cb/audit/isolation.log
    if $host == "" then /var/log/cb/audit/useractivity.log
  4. Restart rsyslog
    Centos 6 = service rsyslog restart
    Centos 7/8 = systemctl restart rsyslog
  5. Open the firewall to allow port 514 communication from EDR server
  6. Create a log rotate file /etc/cb/cb-logrotate.conf with the below information
    # Set the same defaults configured in /etc/logrotate.conf
    # rotate log files weekly
    # keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
    rotate 4
    # create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones
    # use date as a suffix of the rotated file
        dateformat -%Y%m%d.%s
        maxsize 500M
        maxage 7
            /bin/kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/syslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
        rotate 7
  7. Create a cronjob to check on rotation. Files will be rotated without any service restarts needed.
    # Run logrotate every 5 minutes to perform a rotation if necessary.
      */5  *  *  *  * root /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/cb/cb-logrotate.conf

EDR Server:
  1. Open /etc/rsyslog.d/cb-coreservices.conf
  2. Find the audit log lines you wish to send. These are the 4 that are written to /var/log/cb/audit. @@ = TCP, @ = UDP
    if $programname == 'cb-audit-isolation' then /var/log/cb/isolation.log;CbAuditLogFormat
    & @<EF IP HERE>:514;CbAuditLogFormat
    & ~
    if $programname == 'cb-audit-banning' then /var/log/cb/audit/banning.log;CbAuditLogFormat
    & @<EF IP HERE>:514;CbAuditLogFormat
    & ~
    if $programname == 'cb-audit-live-response' then /var/log/cb/audit/live-response.log;CbAuditLogFormat
    & @<EF IP HERE>:514;CbAuditLogFormat
    & ~
    if $programname == 'cb-audit-useractivity' then /var/log/cb/audit/useractivity.log;CbAuditLogFormat
    & @<EF IP HERE>:514;CbAuditLogFormat
  3. Open /etc/rsyslog.conf. Under the #### Modules #### section add the following config
    $MaxMessageSize 4096
  4. Restart rsyslog
    Centos 6 = service rsyslog restart
    Centos 7/8 = systemctl restart rsyslog
  5. May need communication to be open in the firewall if outbound is blocked for 514
  6. Open /etc/cb/cb.conf and uncomment/adjust these lines to 4096
  7. Restart cb-enterprise services

Additional Information

  • If you are not seeing messages come over, please check that they are not in /var/log/messages on the receiving server
  • To confirm messages are being sent, use tcpdump on both sender and receiver to confirm
    yum install tcpdump (if not already installed)
    tcpdump -X -i and port 514
  • Rsyslog requires administration troubleshooting as this is a built in OS application that is being utilized by EDR to write log files similar to the OS