HEDR: Will Duo 2fA Continue to Work After the March 30th End of Service for Traditional Prompt to Universal Prompt?
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HEDR: Will Duo 2fA Continue to Work After the March 30th End of Service for Traditional Prompt to Universal Prompt?


Article ID: 287891


Updated On:


Carbon Black Hosted EDR (formerly Cb Response Cloud)


Duo is putting Traditional Prompt into End of Support, will Duo continue to work for HEDR after March 30th?


  • HEDR: All Versions
  • Duo 2fa


Yes, Duo will continue to work after March 30th.

Additional Information

  • Engineering and Product Management are working to update Duo SDK's on the backend to support Universal Prompt, this may not be completed before March 30th. Please subscribe for updates.
  • Traditional Prompt will be End of Support, but not End of Life. It will continue to work per Duo's documentation. Guide to Traditional Duo Prompt End of Support, specifically the FAQ
    Why did the March 30, 2024 end-of-life date for the traditional Duo Prompt change to an end-of-support date?
    We heard your concerns about transitioning to the Duo Universal Prompt by the end of March, and in response to customer feedback revised our timeline to allow additional time for migration.