Value always displays on Clarity Gantt regardless if Subpage Display Conditions are met
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Value always displays on Clarity Gantt regardless if Subpage Display Conditions are met


Article ID: 28787


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In the Task object, create New Attribute XYZ
  2. Under the Views tab, Task Properties > Layout Edit > Create New Subpage A.
  3. Create a Section on that Subpage, and place attribute XYZ on there.
  4. Add a Display Condition to that Subpage, ex: Task % Complete = 100.
  5. Add attribute XYZ to the Gantt layout.
  6. Under Options for the Gantt layout, select "Use display conditions and secured subpages to protect attribute values on the list".
  7. Publish the changes.
  8. Navigate to the Clarity Gantt on any project, change the Task % Complete to 100 and add a value on the XYZ attribute on the subpage pertaining to that same task

Expected Result: If the Task % Complete = 50, Condition is not met, so the XYZ column should not show any value in the Gantt view.

Actual Result: If the Task % Complete = 50, Condition is not met, but the XYZ column still displays a value in the Gantt.


Our sustaining team reviewed CLRT-72692 and closed it as they are not planning to make any changes to this area of the product.