Carbon Black Cloud: Nutanix Virtual Machine Sensor Install Failure
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Carbon Black Cloud: Nutanix Virtual Machine Sensor Install Failure


Article ID: 287831


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


  • Sensor installation hang
  • Incomplete sensor install
  • No information (OS, sensor version, etc.) is displayed for device in Sensor Management
  • The Windows Firewall console may not launch.


  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • Nutanix Virtual Machines using VirtIO Network Driver
  • VMware Virtual Machines using VirtIO Network Driver


There is an incompatibility issue with the driver and RSC (Receive Segment Coalescing)


If possible, upgrade the VirtIO drivers and CB Cloud sensor versions to those list in the additional notes.   No other action is needed.   If upgrading to those versions is not an option, use the steps below to resolve.

RSC (Receive Segment Coalescing) needs to be disabled.

  1. Run the sensor removal tool
  2. Open PowerShell as Administrator and disable RSC: 
    Disable-NetAdapterRsc *
  3. Reboot the device 
  4. Open the Network Adapter properties > Advance tab
  5. Scroll down to Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv4) and Recv Segment Coalescing (IPv6) and confirm it is set to "Disabled" 
  6. Attempt to install sensor via unattended installation 

Additional Information

  • If using Nutanix, upgrade Nutanix NIC driver to VirtIO 1.1.3
  • Upgrade CB Cloud sensor to 3.2.x+
  • If using VMware, switch from VirtIO to generic network driver to work around the issue