Carbon Black Cloud Console: Export function on Endpoints page
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Carbon Black Cloud Console: Export function on Endpoints page


Article ID: 287827


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Workload Carbon Black Cloud Audit and Remediation (formerly Cb Live Ops) Carbon Black Cloud Container Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter) Carbon Black Cloud Managed Detection (formerly Cb Threatsight) Carbon Black Cloud Prevention


  • Generating CSV export can take upwards of several minutes to complete
  • Rare occasions the file will not complete
  • No Progress indicator for completion


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Google Chrome: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Edge: All Supported Versions
  • Mozilla Firefox: All Supported Versions


Depending on the size of the org, the export will take longer to generate than those of smaller organizations


For larger orgs, (100k+ sensors) it can take a couple minutes for the job to compile and download to begin.

Additional Information

There is a planned feature to add an indicator or progress bar that will show that the file is in process other than the quick box once the export button is selected.