Carbon Black Cloud Sensor - How to identify if Quarantine is enabled locally?
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Carbon Black Cloud Sensor - How to identify if Quarantine is enabled locally?


Article ID: 287819


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


What are the different ways to verify the sensor is in quaratine?


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Windows Sensor: All Supported Versions


With the release of the 4.0 sensor, utilizing the repcli status will contain the status for quarantine. For pre 4.0 sensors you can verify this via HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ctifile has a DWORD value called "Quarantine" set to 1 since when driver enters quarantine it writes out that key so that on next reboot we enforce quarantine.