RFCDCMD12 CONNECT:Direct signon for USERID xxxxxxx failed with RC: NNSSNNN
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RFCDCMD12 CONNECT:Direct signon for USERID xxxxxxx failed with RC: NNSSNNN


Article ID: 28779


Updated On:


CMDB for z/OS NetSpy Network Performance NetMaster Network Automation SOLVE NetMaster Network Management for SNA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP NetMaster File Transfer Management



The CDMGR shows as Degraded.
When an IIP is issued against the CDMGR, this message appears:

RFCDCMD12 CONNECT:Direct signon for USERID xxxxxxx failed with RC: NNSSNNN 




Release: SLOPFC00200-12.1-NetMaster-File Transfer Management



The CONNECT:Direct LOAD library needs to either be in the Netmaster STC STEPLIB or available in the LINKLIST.

If the LOAD library is not contained in the STEPLIB, please do the following to determine whether is it available in the LINKLIST:

   From TSO option 6 issue the commands

       ISRDDN  <enter>

       In the resulting screen enter

        LINKLIST <enter>

        member DMCHLAPI <enter>  

         in the ** WARNING ** popup screen type YES <enter>


    The complete LINKLIST will be searched for the module.


If it is not available, it must be added, again either to the Netmaster STC JCL or to the LINKLIST.

The region must be cycled to pick up the change.



If you located the module in your LINKLIST, please do this additional check to verify that Netmaster has accessed the module:


  In SYSVIEW, issue the command

      ACT jobname=   where jobname is the name of your Netmaster region.

   This will display the active STC.

   In the Cmd field next to your Netmaster Jobname enter LL (ListLoad) to display a list of all modules loaded for this STC.

   The list must include the module DMCHLAPI.


If the module is present in the LINKLIST but not in the region, please check to determine if changes were made for CONNECT:Direct since Netmaster initialized. 

Cycling the Netmaster region will pick up the changes.


Additional CONNECT:Direct modules that may also be required include SCDSPLY,  DMGMODIR and  DMGRAT.