Services fail to start after Disaster Recovery attempt in Hardened environment.
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Services fail to start after Disaster Recovery attempt in Hardened environment.


Article ID: 287789


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Restored configuration backup, but services fail to start
  • "No such file or directory" error seen in startup logs
  • Errors will be seen during cbinit:
    chown failed to set permissions for /var/cb/, /var/log/cb/ /etc/cb/


  • EDR Server: All Versions


  • Re-installation of EDR failed due to permissions on the Server
  • EDR software was not restored correctly due to Server policy restrictions
  • Files and directories are missing from the EDR Server after the restore


  1. Confirm the Admin installing EDR has root level access when installing EDR Server software.
  2. Confirm permissions are set correctly for the CB user account.
  3. Follow the steps outlined in the server installation and initialization section in the EDR Cluster/Server Management Guide
  4. If files are not installed successfully, the missing files and directories can be manually replaced from another EDR Server/Minion running the same version of EDR server.

Additional Information

  • Root-level permissions are required throughout the entire installation/configuration process. You will use su or sudo to enter the installation/initialize commands.
  • Copying and pasting of files/directories from one Server to another is not supported by CB, and should only be attempted as a last resort.
  • If any folders or directories being used by EDR are non-standard then the backup and restore process may need to be modified to cover these folders.