CB Response: Does a sensor need to be restarted after an upgrade?
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CB Response: Does a sensor need to be restarted after an upgrade?


Article ID: 287785


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


Does a CB Response Sensor require a reboot during an upgrade?


  • CB Response Sensor: All Versions


  • Any Windows OS running Windows 7 and higher does not require a reboot of services for sensor upgrades.
  • Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP environments require a reboot when upgrading to the latest supported Sensor version.
  • Linux and MacOS systems do not require a reboot during a sensor upgrade.

Additional Information

  • From Windows Sensor 6.2.X Release Notes: Install/Uninstall & Upgrade/Downgrade of Sensor on WinXP & WinServer2003 Requires Reboot:
  • ​Customers running the Windows sensor on a Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 machine should note that a reboot of the machine will be required for all install/uninstall and upgrade/downgrade methods in order to successfully load and unload Cb drivers. [CB-14963]
  • Linux endpoints upgraded to 6.1.8 may need a server reboot if another AV service is installed