SYSIDCHECK.install() runtime exception and SYSNAMECHECK.install() runtime exception running a silent install of CA XCOM for Linux 11.6
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SYSIDCHECK.install() runtime exception and SYSNAMECHECK.install() runtime exception running a silent install of CA XCOM for Linux 11.6


Article ID: 28777


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


The install log can be found in /opt/CA/XCOM/Uninstaller/Logs/

For the following error messages in the Install Log:

Custom Action:            SYSIDCHECK

                          Status: ERROR

                          Additional Notes: ERROR -     class SYSIDCHECK.install() runtime exception:


Custom Action:            SYSNAMECHECK

                          Status: ERROR

                          Additional Notes: ERROR -     class SYSNAMECHECK.install() runtime exception:

These exceptions come from the missing SYSID and SYSNAME.



Release: XCOM Data Transport-for AIX


A silent install requires a response file. That file may get generated on machine A, but the silent installation will get done on many machines and the SYSID and SYSNAME parameters cannot be stored in the response file, because they are different for each machine.


To specify the unique SYSID and SYSNAME values, do one of the following:

1)      Issue the silent install command, using the DSYSID and DSYSNAME  parameters as shown in this example:

sh XCOM.bin -i silent -f /opt/CA/xcompkg/ - DSYSID=xxxx    -DSYSNAME=yyyyyyyy


    2)Set the SYSID and SYSNAME parameter values in the response properties file:




For details, see the chapter How to Specify Unique System ID and SystemName Values  in the CA XCOM Data Transport for UNIX and Linux Installation Guide.