Endpoint Standard: Can False Positives be Prevented So Legitimate Applications Do Not Get Blocked?
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Endpoint Standard: Can False Positives be Prevented So Legitimate Applications Do Not Get Blocked?


Article ID: 287639


Updated On: 07-23-2020


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense)


What measures can be taken to prevent false positives and subsequent blocks of legitimate applications?


  • Endpoint Standard:  All Versions


It is recommended that all new sensors be assigned to the "Standard" policy (Prior to July 2017 release, the policy was "Default").  This policy has prevention rules for known malware and company denied-list applications.

Additional Information

  • A phased rollout approach is recommended to implement new custom or advanced policy group rules. 
  • The policy should be assigned to a pilot group of users until it is fully tested.