EDR: Sensors Upload Data to Minions but Fail Check-in with Primary Server
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EDR: Sensors Upload Data to Minions but Fail Check-in with Primary Server


Article ID: 287628


Updated On: 11-23-2021


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Sensors fail certificate check on the Primary server, yet the sensors successfully upload data to the minions using the same certificate.
  • The IP stack designated in the /var/cb/nginx/vhosts/<newservercert>.conf does not match the IP stack designated in /etc/cb/nginx/conf.d/includes/cb.conf.
  • Primary server /var/log/cb/nginx/startup.log messages:
    [emerg] ipv6only is not supported on addr "", ignored in /etc/cb/nginx/conf.d/cb.conf


  • EDR: Server: 7.5.0 and Higher


Nginx vhost stack configuration does not match the nginx stack configuration.The Primary server's vhost information was bonded to the IPv4 address instead of the the IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses used in a dual-stack default configuration.


On the Primary server, modify the conf file (cb.conf or cb.multihome.conf) used in /etc/cb/nginx/conf.d/.  The designated stack needs to match /var/cb/nginx/vhost/<name>.conf
listen *:443 ssl ipv6only=off; 
listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=off;

Additional Information

  • Sensors use SNI (server name indication) extension in the TLS handshake. 
  • The nginx vhost name can bind to the IPv4 address, IPv4 mapped IPv6 address or the IPv6 address depending on the defined stack.