Managed Detection: What Alert Severities are Analyzed and Reported on?
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Managed Detection: What Alert Severities are Analyzed and Reported on?


Article ID: 287608


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Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter) Carbon Black Cloud Managed Detection (formerly Cb Threatsight)


What alert severities are analyzed and reported on by the CB ThreatSight team?


  • Managed Detection (Formerly CB ThreatSight)
  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All Supported Versions
    • Endpoint Standard (Formerly CB Defense)
    • Enterprise EDR (Formerly CB ThreatHunter)


Alerts with a Severity Score of 5 or Greater

Additional Information

  • Any severities from 4 and below are not a focus for the Managed Detection team.
  • Alerts generated by Enterprise EDR Watchlists are not available to the Managed Detection team.
  • If an alert is considered a false positive then this is not sent to the customer.