CB Response Cloud: How to Delete an Ingress Filter from Windows using Powershell
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CB Response Cloud: How to Delete an Ingress Filter from Windows using Powershell


Article ID: 287593


Updated On: 03-27-2019


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


To delete an existing ingress filter for a CB Response Cloud instance from Windows using Powershell


  • CB Response Cloud: All Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Powershell: Version 3


  1. Open Run
  2. Type "powershell" and press enter.
  3. Configure Powershell for TLS v1.2:
  • Run within Powershell for each session:
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  1. Delete an existing filter:
    1. Use Invoke-RestMethod:
      Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token" = "<GlobalApiTokenHere>"} -Method DELETE -Uri https://<ServerHostnameHere>/api/v1/ingress_whitelist/<IngressFilterNameHere>
    2. If option A does not work then use Invoke-WebRequest:
      Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{"X-Auth-Token" = "<GlobalApiTokenHere>"} -Method DELETE -Uri https://<ServerHostnameHere>/api/v1/ingress_whitelist/<IngressFilterNameHere>" | Select-Object -Expand Content"

Additional Information

Replace <GlobalApiTokenHere>, <ServerHostnameHere>, and <IngressFilterNameHere> with the appropriate ingress filter details.