Hosted EDR: How to Find the IP Address of a Cloud Server
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Hosted EDR: How to Find the IP Address of a Cloud Server


Article ID: 287574


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


To find the IP Address of a Hosted EDR server from a workstation.


  • Hosted EDR (formerly CB Response Cloud): All Versions


  1. Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac OS and Linux)
    • Windows
      1. Right click on the Start button in Windows.
      2. Select "Run"
      3. Type in "cmd" and press Enter
    • Mac OS and Linux
      • Open a tool search
      • Type in "Terminal" and press Enter
  2. Run: 
    nslookup <server-name>
  3. The Address results under Non-authoritative answer is the IP Address of the CB Response Cloud server.

Additional Information

  • Hosted EDR servers have dynamic IP addresses that could change at any time. When possible, use the domain name instead of IP address for configurations. 
  • If nslookup is not available the same search can be run with the ping command, but will require crtl+c / cmd+c to stop the process
    • ping <server_name>