Cb Protection: Is OnDemand OneDrive for Business and OneDrive for Office365 supported?
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Cb Protection: Is OnDemand OneDrive for Business and OneDrive for Office365 supported?


Article ID: 287537


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Does Cb Protection OnDemand support OneDrive for Business or OneDrive for Office365?


  • Cb Protection: 8.0 Patch 7 and newer
  • OneDrive for Business: All versions
  • OneDrive for Office365: All Versions


  • Due to the naming convention of the directories used by OneDrive for Business and OneDrive for Office365, the OnDemand feature in Cb Protection does not support these tools. 
  • There is a Feature Request open to add support for these tools: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Idea-Central/OneDrive-OnDemand-Support-for-Office-365-OneDrive-for-Business/idi-p/27665

Additional Information

We do support the non-business versions of OneDrive with the default directory. Please refer to the latest Release Notes for further information: https://community.carbonblack.com/t5/Documentation-Downloads/Cb-Protection-v8-0-0-Release-Notes/ta-p/44989