Transaction Enabler Web Services WSDL URL syntax
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Transaction Enabler Web Services WSDL URL syntax


Article ID: 28753


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


When trying to execute the wsdl for a Transaction Enabler Web Service using the Firefox browser receives message:

XML Parsing Error: syntax error

Location: http://localhost:2008/SERVERM1/PSTEPSRC?wsdl

Line Number 1, Column 1:Requested procedure step (PSTEPSRC) does not support Web Services

SERVERM1 is the 8 character server manager name

PSTEPSRC is the 8 character procedure step source name


Using Chrome will give this error:

This page contains the following errors:                                    

error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty        


Using IE8 will give this error: 

The webpage cannot be found (HTTP 404 Not Found)      




Release: KGNDDL99000-8.5-Gen-DBP Developer License


The error message returned by Firefox is somewhat misleading and the error is purely due to a syntax problem due to not using the full long name of the procedure step. For further details please see the "New Features › Web Services Transaction Enabler" section of the Gen 8.5 Release Notes.