Cb Protection: Reporter Log Error: System.TimeoutException: WSE2127: Operation timed out.
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Cb Protection: Reporter Log Error: System.TimeoutException: WSE2127: Operation timed out.


Article ID: 287525


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


  • Following error seen in the Reporter logs: System.TimeoutException: WSE2127: Operation timed out.
  • Collective Defense Cloud (CDC) Synchronization percentage or number of files synced is not changing
  • Console Error: Cb Protection Server connection to Cb Collective Defense Cloud is unavailable (fast sync) for longer than X hours


  • Cb Protection Server: All Versions
  • Collective Defense Cloud Enabled


The WSE2127 error indicates the Cb Protection Server's system time is incorrect


  1.  Adjust your Server's system clock to properly match your local time.
  2. Restart the Cb Protection Reporter service on the server
  3. Wait a small period of time, and monitor the CDC's synchronization to ensure files are now being synced

Additional Information

  • You can use https://nist.time.gov/ to check the current time in your time zone