Newly created USER ID NOT FOUND
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Newly created USER ID NOT FOUND


Article ID: 28750


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After adding a new user to CA Gener/OL, the user gets a USER ID NOT FOUND message when he/she tries to access Gener/OL.

One possibility is that you created the userid in the wrong library.

To check on this, Log into CA Gener/OL.

Select options:




Enter NEXT to get to the Edit Security Management Installation Parameters panel.

The first field is: Users are always defined in library? ==> 

The value that is in that field is the name of the library in which all userids must be created. Note this library name.

Now F3 twice to go back to the Gener/OL Security Maintenance Menu.

Select Option 1-Edit

You will have a list of all userids on your instance of Gener/OL. The Library name at the top of the panel should be the same as the library name in the 'Users are always defined in library?' field on the Edit Security Management Installation Parameters panel. To double check, put a slash(/) next to the userid and Enter. This will take you to the Edit a User panel for that user. At the top of the panel you should see that same library name. If you do not, then you created the user in the wrong library. Users must be created in the library that is specified in the Installation Parameters panel. 


Release: GOLADA00100-7.1-Gener/OL-Interface to Adabas