Carbon Black Cloud: How to correct the Garbled non-English characters in exported CSV by Excel.exe
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Carbon Black Cloud: How to correct the Garbled non-English characters in exported CSV by Excel.exe


Article ID: 287495


Updated On:


Carbon Black Cloud Endpoint Standard (formerly Cb Defense) Carbon Black Cloud Enterprise EDR (formerly Cb Threathunter)


To correct the Garbled non-English characters in exported CSV by Excel.exe


  • Carbon Black Cloud: All supported versions
  • Microsoft Excel: All supported versions


  1. Open a new document in Excel, and then select the "Data" tab.
  2. Click "Get Data (Power Query)" on the ribbon on the left hand side, and then select "From Text." Excel opens a file browsing window.
  3. Select the CSV or text file containing the non-English characters, and then click "Open." The Text Import Wizard starts automatically.
  4. Select "Delimited" as the data type, unless you are importing a fixed-width text file, in which case select "Fixed Width." Click "Next."
  5. Change the "File Origin" setting to "Unicode (UTF-8)." Check the Japanese characters in the preview pane. If they don't display in a non-English font, the characters may be saved in a different format.

Additional Information

Steps could be a little bit different with different Excel versions, but the basic steps are the same.