EDR: Cluster Does Not Start SupervisorD Service on Master
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EDR: Cluster Does Not Start SupervisorD Service on Master


Article ID: 287424


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Carbon Black EDR (formerly Cb Response)


  • Datagrid starts on minions but SupervisorD service does not start on the master.  Datagrid logs on minions may complain about PGSQL not being started on the master.
  • No error messages are logged on the master node outside of seeing an attempted services start in /var/log/messages.
  • SupervisorD logs do not show an attempted service start but individual services can be started by calling on them individually using the /usr/share/cb/cbservice utility.
  • Note: This is not a common issue that VMWare CB support has encountered very often.  If the file count described above is not high ( > 1000 files/directories), then typically startup troubleshooting should happen starting with the services that are failing to start on their respective node.


  • EDR Server: All Supported Versions


  • An unexpected large number of files ('unexpected' in the sense that a service crash may have created additional files) are being scanned for permissions on cb-enterprise startup.  Until these files are scanned the services will not start on the master node.  Upon a full scan and startup, the Mnesia directory is reset but if thousands of files exist this may take more time than expected, causing a timeout of the services and the cluster to fail to start.
  • In this case the /var/cb/data/rabbitmq/mnesia directory can be the cause of such an issue.  To confirm if this issue is related please confirm the amount of files in the /var/cb/data/rabbitmq/mnesia directory via:
ls -l /var/cb/data/rabbitmq/mnesia | wc -l



  • If the amount of files/directories in the Mnesia directory is higher than ~400 ( > 1000 files/directories) then proceed to the KB below.  If the number of files/directories is not high, this KB is most likely not the solution.  Please see the "Related Content" below.
  • Reset the Mnesia directory by backing it up and then removing it as described in this article: EDR: How to reset Mnesia for RabbitMQ .