- Error seen in /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-yara-connector/yaraconnector.log :
2021-09-27 11:38:32,844-yaraconnector-200-WARNING-The remote minion has not finished processing yara ruleset update for 120 seconds. Ensure the remote minion is available and can reach the configured celery broker
2021-09-27 11:38:32,844-yaraconnector-285-ERROR-Something went wrong sweeping the CbR module store:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "celery/backends/asynchronous.py", line 266, in _wait_for_pending
File "celery/backends/asynchronous.py", line 53, in drain_events_until
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cbopensource/connectors/yara_connector/database_scanning.py", line 198, in do_remote_rule_update
File "celery/result.py", line 230, in get
File "celery/backends/asynchronous.py", line 200, in wait_for_pending
File "celery/backends/asynchronous.py", line 272, in _wait_for_pending
celery.exceptions.TimeoutError: The operation timed out.