- The report causing this issue needs to be located. Use of the curl command below can help narrow down the source:
curl "http://localhost:8080/solr/cbfeeds/select?q=-title%3A%5B*%20TO%20*%5D&wt=json&indent=true&rows=10000&sort=create_time%20desc"
- Once located, we would want to update the feed(s) we find lacking a title.
- As an example :
- Create a file titled 'update_title.json' with the contents below, replacing the applicable fields with those found in the output of the previous command :
"unique_id": "JAR-16-20296",
"id": "JAR-16-20296",
"is_local": "true",
"update_time": 1594653367,
"title": {
"set": "FIX_JAR-16-20296"
- An update to the 'update_time' field will be required, we can find this out by running the following in a terminal :
date +%s
- From the same directory on the master node, run the following (please capture and send this output back to me) :
curl http://localhost:8080/solr/cbfeeds/update -d @update_title.json
- Wait for 5 minutes then test loading the Triage Page from the UI.
- If this doesn't help, wait another 5 minutes then restart cb-enterprise or cluster services.
- If this issue persists, please contact VMWare Carbon Black Support.