Clarity upgrade fails with "The connect attempt failed because the server requires Oracle Advanced Security"
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Clarity upgrade fails with "The connect attempt failed because the server requires Oracle Advanced Security"


Article ID: 28742


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Clarity Upgrade Fails with below error in Linux

10/20/20 10:22 PM (ExecTask) java.sql.SQLException: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver]The connect attempt failed because the server requires Oracle Advanced Security. To enable the driver to use OAS, please use the "dataIntegrityLevel" and/or "encryptionLevel" connect options.


With JDK’s implementation for RedHat Linux, the password encryption takes more time than usual (30 sec) when two or more simultaneous processes request the same. The driver sends the encrypted password in a packet. Meanwhile the server is terminating the connection due to a timeout. The driver is expecting a reply for the previous packet but it encounters an abort packet and fails with “No More Data To Read” and terminates the execution. The reason the time is slow is due to Sun’s Security classes depend on the OS’s device file. The device generates a random number based on the entropy (and system events) which can be a blocking call and slow.


Add DataIntegrityLevel=accepted to the Connection String and resume the upgrade

Example: bc:clarity:oracle://localhost:1521;SID=clarity;BatchPerformanceWorkaround=true;InsensitiveResultSetBufferSize=0;ServerType=dedicated;supportLinks=true; DataIntegrityLevel=accepted