- This may include the writer core, which can be verified by checking the following:
- The writer core should be the most recent core. It can be verified (if the directory exists) by taking a look at the contents of the core.properties file in the cbevents_XXXX directory:
cat /var/cb/data/solr6/cbevents/cbevents_XXXX/core.properties
- The writer core should look like the following:
#Written by CarbonBlackSupport
- If the writer core is missing, please follow this KB to create a new one : CB-Response-Writer-Core-is-Missing
- Once the writer core is verified and the core directory that is reported missing is confirmed or removed if empty:
- Restart cb-datastore and cb-solr services :
sudo service cb-datastore restart && sudo service cb-solr restart
- Errors should cease and SOLR should continue functioning normally. If this is not the case, please contact Carbon Black Support.