1. Ensure all cb-enterprise services are stopped.
service cb-enterprise status
service cb-enterprise stop
ps -ef | grep cb
- If anything is returned, kill those processes.
killall -KILL -u cb
2. Start the cb-pgsql service :
service cb-pgsql start
3. Login to the postgresql shell :
sudo psql cb -p 5002
4. Verify there are one or more rows in the watchlist_action_settings table with the <watchlist_id> from the error:
SELECT * FROM watchlist_action_settings WHERE watchlist_id='<watchlist_id>';
5. Verify there is NO result for the following query:
SELECT * FROM watchlist_entries WHERE id=<watchlist_id>
6. Delete the entry once confirmed:
DELETE FROM watchlist_action_settings WHERE watchlist_id='<watchlist_id>';
7. Stop the cb-pgsql service
service cb-pgsql stop
8. Restart the upgrade