CB Protection: Tamper Protect Alerts received when running macOS updates
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CB Protection: Tamper Protect Alerts received when running macOS updates


Article ID: 287359


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Tamper Protection Alert received from "root" user when running a macOS update while Tamper Protection is enabled



  • CB Protection Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Apple macOS: All Supported Versions


macOS is either attempting to enumerate or close running files/processes to complete the update



  • This behavior can be seen with certain updates.  Depending on the nature of each individual update, certain files may need to be enumerated or a particular process may need to be stopped to complete this action. This is observed as an attempt to access or modify the contents of a CB Protection Agent, as the Tamper Protection component is designed to do in an effort to protect itself from potential threats on the system that might attempt to take a similar action.
  • If this is observed, Tamper Protection may need to be disabled prior to completing these updates, as it is not possible to add exclusions to macOS updates.
  •  Additional information regarding Tamper Protection and CB Protection Agent exclusions listed below under Related Content