CB Protection: Tamper Protect Alerts received when running macOS updates
Article ID: 287359
Updated On:
Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)
Tamper Protection Alert received from "root" user when running a macOS update while Tamper Protection is enabled
CB Protection Agent: All Supported Versions
Apple macOS: All Supported Versions
macOS is either attempting to enumerate or close running files/processes to complete the update
This behavior can be seen with certain updates. Depending on the nature of each individual update, certain files may need to be enumerated or a particular process may need to be stopped to complete this action. This is observed as an attempt to access or modify the contents of a CB Protection Agent, as the Tamper Protection component is designed to do in an effort to protect itself from potential threats on the system that might attempt to take a similar action.
If this is observed, Tamper Protection may need to be disabled prior to completing these updates, as it is not possible to add exclusions to macOS updates.
Additional information regarding Tamper Protection and CB Protection Agent exclusions listed below under Related Content